To the writers seeking literary agent or publisher:In our agency, a literary agency small-receive each day five to six requests for representation. Our job is to represent writers, so to receive this amount of proposals is the best thing that can happen. But
as you can understand, we have no ability to read five or six
manuscripts per day, in addition to meeting all daily work for the
writers we represent. A
similar, but magnified, happens in publishing: is that the number of
proposals and manuscripts they receive, they can not even consider.Many writers do not know how to contact an agent or editor in a convenient manner. Therefore, we would send some considerations and suggestions on how to submit proposals to an agency or a publishing house. We believe that, with the specifics of each writer, knowing them is essential.This letter is intended to offer what little help we can give. The experience is that 95% of people thanked us shipping, and 5% responds with irritation and discomfort for our position. This letter, which is just an opinion of many others, is directed to the first 95%, with the best intentions.Sincerely,The Agency.
There are writers who are convinced they have been rejected in more than one publisher, but his work is read. And it's true. Publishers often refuse-without looking-the vast majority of the materials they receive, and this is due to the enormous number of manuscripts that come every day, without the author has taken the trouble to prepare the information in a way may be convenient to consider the.Many of the unpleasant experiences of rejection, are largely a result of not knowing how to present a project or a manuscript to a publisher. Finding an agent or a publisher, it is sometimes difficult, is something that can be resolved by writing. Our own experience shows that the most effective ways to achieve it, are all written. Knowing how to sell a project or a manuscript, the chances of reaching an agreement and published considerably increase. It is important to use standard procedures in the international world of publishing, to submit a proposal editorial.It is common to believe that without a personal recommendation not get anything. And often not the case, indeed, the "personal recommendation" is a resource that is abused so that publishers do not take into account. Publishers are always overworked. When a writer who wants to publish get a personal interview with an editor through a recommendation, is taking damage himself. Because the publisher will receive for commitment who recommended him, and pass up that opportunity writer talking about something the other does not know or is interested in listening. Finally I let a manuscript-in most cases-, will go to a discard pile. In the best case, it will be returned a few weeks later with a letter more or less kind of rejection.
Why it is difficult to publishIt is not difficult to understand why it is difficult and frustrating search for a publisher when shoddy. One big publisher, receives more than a thousand new editing proposals per year (six per working day). They sent spontaneously by writers whom no one's asked for foreign publishers, and literary agents worldwide. Of these 1,000, the publisher will hire 20 or 30, as the rest of the books are published works that publishers have commissioned, that come by hiring international headquarters, or are new works of authors who publish in the house .When the prestigious American publisher Doubleday decided, several years ago, no longer accept manuscripts that are not the authors of the house, or that come from literary agents recognized, was receiving 10,000 unsolicited manuscripts a year: 45 per day.Receive, read, and eventually return evaluate five or six daily proposals requires the work of two or three full time editors. Today no publisher is able to take on this task. When someone does in their free time, usually one who is just beginning, just the person least prepared for this type of evaluation."Publishers are often overworked. All day receive numerous phone calls from authors and agents, advertising departments, marketing and production facilities; attend meetings to make decisions on roofs, new acquisitions, production schedules, interview, hire and fire assistants , negotiate the purchase with the direction of those who wish to publish books, promotional budgets for these books, and salary increases and promotions for themselves. The result of all this is that much of their editing and usually most of his work is relegated to reading evenings and weekends that are never enough, especially when you consider the huge amount of manuscripts that continually accumulate on them. They have to spend most of the time on projects already contracted, to books that your company has already invested a considerable amount of effort and money, an investment that has to be nurtured and protected by the editors, who strive to help the author to ensure that the book is presented in top condition. All this leaves very little time editor or strength to devote to a new author, unless the author is what this is really wonderful. "Albert Zuckerman, How to write a bestseller.A written proposal, done well, is much more likely to gain acceptance, and coming to a publishing contract. "The Proposal" and "The Proposal Editorial" ("Editorial Proposal" in the international world of publishing), is the name which the writer sends the prospective agent or editor, to interest for a manuscript or project. The proposal consists of a series of key information about the author, the work and the audience it is directed, not have to take too many pages, and whose production is not a challenge for anyone who was able to write an entire book.The submission to a literary agency or a publisher, has two stages:1. The Letter of Introduction2. Editorial PropositionThe cover letter is the first written submission to one page, introducing yourself and your book or book project, which asks the agent or editor if you are interested in receiving a larger proposal.The cover letter saves a lot of time, frustration and money. If an agent or publisher does not respond to it, you will have saved a complete copy of the manuscript and mailing costs as sending it would not have received attention.
The Letter of IntroductionThe main challenge is how to get the attention of agents and publishers who are over-defendants, lacking time, and they receive a lot of proposals, besides his own.While there is no recipe that guarantees success, experience shows that it should do and what not. Lori Perkins, a successful New York agent, makes some very specific suggestions for writing a Letter:· Never send a letter more than a page. Two hundred fifty words must be sufficient to introduce yourself and your book. I've sold over 2,000 books and never sent a letter to an editor of more than one page. If I get more extensive, the rescribo. · Look for a clear and simple cause first impression. Type the imperative.· Do not send handwritten letters, that make reading difficult. Type in a readable font, in size 10 to 12, nor less nor more, without frills or colors. They are all amateur gestures do not impress any editor.· Do not try to be original or funny, unless you are offering a book of humor, and this is part of your presentation. You are looking for a professional relationship, not an exchange between friends.· Do not tell the agent or editor who does not even know how much he respects and admires. The unwarranted praise not help with serious professionals.· Do not forget to add your contact details: name, address, phone, e-mail and time to receive calls. You'd be surprised the number of writers who forget to include your information in the letters, and it is impossible to respond.
The cover letter for a work of fiction and non-fiction, not too different. In general, the non-fiction should provide more information about the author and his background are usually definitive for achieving recruitment.When an agent or author presents a novel to a publisher when the publisher introduces her to their editorial boards and when the publisher has to booksellers, the more synthetic presentation is better.Peter Rubin, literary agent, says the best synopsis of a novel is a long sentence, because it shows that both, the author and the novel, are well focused. He adds blunt: "If a writer is unable to describe his novel in one sentence, this book will probably miss a lot of work."In short: Never send manuscripts. Start by sending a letter to those interested as an agent or editor. Be prepared Proposition send it immediately, if requested. If interested say no, or do not respond in one to two weeks, continue sending the letter to all agents or publishers that you think may be interested. If you prefer to send several agents and / or publishers while clearly in the letter that is making a simultaneous submission to varios.La letter should contain:1. Recipient by name right.2. A short presentation of the author (significant data as a writer, not his personal history).3. A paragraph description of the topic or argument.4. Any public mention of the book is written (never place "for all age groups," because it does not exist, and the editor will think you do not think readers).5. Any estimate of "the market". ("There are 5,000 students in Argentina film", or "the novel on a similar theme as thirty thousand copies sold", etc..).6. Information relevant for the promotion of the book ("I have a chair of 1,500 students," or "I write every day in several newspapers of")7. Your name, address, telephone and e-mail. If you do not have email, it's time to have it, get one free. A writer who does not use this technology will be considered as a stranger in an editorial.
Editorial Proposition comprises:1. Author and book title.2. A synopsis of the novel (2-3 pages) or the book you want to write is non-fiction (often these books are written when there is already an interested editor). This text has to give an overview of his work.3. The index, especially if it is a non-fiction book.4. A writing sample: a chapter or two, no more than 15 pages in total.5. Relevant information about you and your previous work, if you have already published. In this case, it add a copy.6. Books comparable. Show that you know what has already been published and have something similar to what you propose, and explain why your book is different. (1 page).7. Information "market" (1 page). This refers to who the buyers of his book. If it is a non-fiction book, on the Internet you can get lots of information (eg how many journalists in the country, the number of members of any professional organization, how many people per year traveling to Brazil, etc.) If is a novel, describe what kind of reader you are going, who they are, what other books read, etc..8. Useful information for promotion (one or two paragraphs), eg your media contacts if you have them, or the number of students, or groups or organizations to which it is linked, both at home and abroad.9. Press: If you have had press releases, reviews and interviews published, add four or five, no more. Choose the most representative. A moderate criticism of a great newspaper is worth more than a eulogy lower half.
There are writers who are convinced they have been rejected in more than one publisher, but his work is read. And it's true. Publishers often refuse-without looking-the vast majority of the materials they receive, and this is due to the enormous number of manuscripts that come every day, without the author has taken the trouble to prepare the information in a way may be convenient to consider the.Many of the unpleasant experiences of rejection, are largely a result of not knowing how to present a project or a manuscript to a publisher. Finding an agent or a publisher, it is sometimes difficult, is something that can be resolved by writing. Our own experience shows that the most effective ways to achieve it, are all written. Knowing how to sell a project or a manuscript, the chances of reaching an agreement and published considerably increase. It is important to use standard procedures in the international world of publishing, to submit a proposal editorial.It is common to believe that without a personal recommendation not get anything. And often not the case, indeed, the "personal recommendation" is a resource that is abused so that publishers do not take into account. Publishers are always overworked. When a writer who wants to publish get a personal interview with an editor through a recommendation, is taking damage himself. Because the publisher will receive for commitment who recommended him, and pass up that opportunity writer talking about something the other does not know or is interested in listening. Finally I let a manuscript-in most cases-, will go to a discard pile. In the best case, it will be returned a few weeks later with a letter more or less kind of rejection.
Why it is difficult to publishIt is not difficult to understand why it is difficult and frustrating search for a publisher when shoddy. One big publisher, receives more than a thousand new editing proposals per year (six per working day). They sent spontaneously by writers whom no one's asked for foreign publishers, and literary agents worldwide. Of these 1,000, the publisher will hire 20 or 30, as the rest of the books are published works that publishers have commissioned, that come by hiring international headquarters, or are new works of authors who publish in the house .When the prestigious American publisher Doubleday decided, several years ago, no longer accept manuscripts that are not the authors of the house, or that come from literary agents recognized, was receiving 10,000 unsolicited manuscripts a year: 45 per day.Receive, read, and eventually return evaluate five or six daily proposals requires the work of two or three full time editors. Today no publisher is able to take on this task. When someone does in their free time, usually one who is just beginning, just the person least prepared for this type of evaluation."Publishers are often overworked. All day receive numerous phone calls from authors and agents, advertising departments, marketing and production facilities; attend meetings to make decisions on roofs, new acquisitions, production schedules, interview, hire and fire assistants , negotiate the purchase with the direction of those who wish to publish books, promotional budgets for these books, and salary increases and promotions for themselves. The result of all this is that much of their editing and usually most of his work is relegated to reading evenings and weekends that are never enough, especially when you consider the huge amount of manuscripts that continually accumulate on them. They have to spend most of the time on projects already contracted, to books that your company has already invested a considerable amount of effort and money, an investment that has to be nurtured and protected by the editors, who strive to help the author to ensure that the book is presented in top condition. All this leaves very little time editor or strength to devote to a new author, unless the author is what this is really wonderful. "Albert Zuckerman, How to write a bestseller.A written proposal, done well, is much more likely to gain acceptance, and coming to a publishing contract. "The Proposal" and "The Proposal Editorial" ("Editorial Proposal" in the international world of publishing), is the name which the writer sends the prospective agent or editor, to interest for a manuscript or project. The proposal consists of a series of key information about the author, the work and the audience it is directed, not have to take too many pages, and whose production is not a challenge for anyone who was able to write an entire book.The submission to a literary agency or a publisher, has two stages:1. The Letter of Introduction2. Editorial PropositionThe cover letter is the first written submission to one page, introducing yourself and your book or book project, which asks the agent or editor if you are interested in receiving a larger proposal.The cover letter saves a lot of time, frustration and money. If an agent or publisher does not respond to it, you will have saved a complete copy of the manuscript and mailing costs as sending it would not have received attention.
The Letter of IntroductionThe main challenge is how to get the attention of agents and publishers who are over-defendants, lacking time, and they receive a lot of proposals, besides his own.While there is no recipe that guarantees success, experience shows that it should do and what not. Lori Perkins, a successful New York agent, makes some very specific suggestions for writing a Letter:· Never send a letter more than a page. Two hundred fifty words must be sufficient to introduce yourself and your book. I've sold over 2,000 books and never sent a letter to an editor of more than one page. If I get more extensive, the rescribo. · Look for a clear and simple cause first impression. Type the imperative.· Do not send handwritten letters, that make reading difficult. Type in a readable font, in size 10 to 12, nor less nor more, without frills or colors. They are all amateur gestures do not impress any editor.· Do not try to be original or funny, unless you are offering a book of humor, and this is part of your presentation. You are looking for a professional relationship, not an exchange between friends.· Do not tell the agent or editor who does not even know how much he respects and admires. The unwarranted praise not help with serious professionals.· Do not forget to add your contact details: name, address, phone, e-mail and time to receive calls. You'd be surprised the number of writers who forget to include your information in the letters, and it is impossible to respond.
The cover letter for a work of fiction and non-fiction, not too different. In general, the non-fiction should provide more information about the author and his background are usually definitive for achieving recruitment.When an agent or author presents a novel to a publisher when the publisher introduces her to their editorial boards and when the publisher has to booksellers, the more synthetic presentation is better.Peter Rubin, literary agent, says the best synopsis of a novel is a long sentence, because it shows that both, the author and the novel, are well focused. He adds blunt: "If a writer is unable to describe his novel in one sentence, this book will probably miss a lot of work."In short: Never send manuscripts. Start by sending a letter to those interested as an agent or editor. Be prepared Proposition send it immediately, if requested. If interested say no, or do not respond in one to two weeks, continue sending the letter to all agents or publishers that you think may be interested. If you prefer to send several agents and / or publishers while clearly in the letter that is making a simultaneous submission to varios.La letter should contain:1. Recipient by name right.2. A short presentation of the author (significant data as a writer, not his personal history).3. A paragraph description of the topic or argument.4. Any public mention of the book is written (never place "for all age groups," because it does not exist, and the editor will think you do not think readers).5. Any estimate of "the market". ("There are 5,000 students in Argentina film", or "the novel on a similar theme as thirty thousand copies sold", etc..).6. Information relevant for the promotion of the book ("I have a chair of 1,500 students," or "I write every day in several newspapers of")7. Your name, address, telephone and e-mail. If you do not have email, it's time to have it, get one free. A writer who does not use this technology will be considered as a stranger in an editorial.
Editorial Proposition comprises:1. Author and book title.2. A synopsis of the novel (2-3 pages) or the book you want to write is non-fiction (often these books are written when there is already an interested editor). This text has to give an overview of his work.3. The index, especially if it is a non-fiction book.4. A writing sample: a chapter or two, no more than 15 pages in total.5. Relevant information about you and your previous work, if you have already published. In this case, it add a copy.6. Books comparable. Show that you know what has already been published and have something similar to what you propose, and explain why your book is different. (1 page).7. Information "market" (1 page). This refers to who the buyers of his book. If it is a non-fiction book, on the Internet you can get lots of information (eg how many journalists in the country, the number of members of any professional organization, how many people per year traveling to Brazil, etc.) If is a novel, describe what kind of reader you are going, who they are, what other books read, etc..8. Useful information for promotion (one or two paragraphs), eg your media contacts if you have them, or the number of students, or groups or organizations to which it is linked, both at home and abroad.9. Press: If you have had press releases, reviews and interviews published, add four or five, no more. Choose the most representative. A moderate criticism of a great newspaper is worth more than a eulogy lower half.
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